Wednesday, March 18, 2015

High Protien Content Foods

In the book The End Of Diabetes by Joel Fuhrman, writes a chapter about the high protein low carb diet and how it can be beneficial to ones health. Protein that comes from plants is especially good for the body because it contains antioxidants while animal protein does not.
 Joel believes that "Having a high-protein low-carb diet can help you stay healthy and lean." (Fuhrman176). Because it is low carb, you are not gaining any extra weight that your body does not need.  Joel states that "eating plant based protein allows you to avoid the build up of fatty deposits in the blood vessel walls which causes high blood pressure." (Fuhrman 178)
Dr.Fuhrman lists off a few high protein plant foods and exactly how much protein they contain
Almonds (3 ounces)                                    10 g
Banana                                                         1.2g
Broccoli (2 cups)                                         10g
Brown Rice (1 cup)                                     5g
Chick Peas (1 cup)                                       15g
Corn (1 cup)                                                 4.2g

Tofu (4 ounces)                                           11g
Whole Wheat Bread (2 slices)                     5g
I looked at the list and realized that it would be easy to snack on some Almonds or a banana instead of crackers or other things, and that I wasnt giving up taste for healthiness. Some people might hate almonds but I dont mind the taste and they are healthier then other snacks. It wasnt hard to introduce corn or brown rice into our dinners either. Instead of always eating white rice, once a week we would instead substitute it with brown rice. Small things like this can keep you healthy without sacrificing the foods we like.
What are some changes to your diet that you can make to make it healthier? What are some healthy foods you dislike?

Fuhrman, Joel. The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

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